Sunday, June 11, 2006

Cancer Causing Cosmetics

Another little snippet in the news about the dangerous chemicals present in almost all cosmetics. Dr. Samuel Epstein from the University of Illinois is quoted online at as saying:
..."many household products are cancer-causing yet consumers don't get the full message from authorities."
He says the Canadian and American governments have failed to protect their citizens from harmful chemicals in and around the home.

Dr. Epstein singles out products such as milk, which can contain anitbiotics, and since American milk can flow into Canada, Canadians may also be drinking milk with growth hormones, the use of which is banned in Canada.

Soaps, shampoos and cosmetics are also mentioned, since they contain synthetic fragrances that contain a high percentage of allergens, as well as preservatives called parabens, which act like hormones and can disrupt the immune system. Products may also contain formaldehyde, or chemicals that break down into formaldehyde in the body, which is a known human carcinogen.

Dr. Epstein says because there's no labeling of the ingredients or their dangers on these products:
"To the overwhelming majority of the Canadian public this will mean nothing at all"
and he calls cosmetics:
"a witches' brew of carcinogens and hormonal agents."
Clearwater Soap Works stands by our opinions on artificial, synthetic ingredients in cosmetics, and why it is so important that people educate themselves about what chemicals they use on their bodies. To learn more about the dangers of using mass-produced cosmetics, and find out why our natural transparent soap made with pure essential oils can replace your toxic shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotions and skin creams, read our full length article, The Dry Skin Dilemma.

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